Floreana Island Recognized as a “Pueblo Mágico de #Galápagos,” a distinction granted by the Ministry of Tourism to populations with very unique cultural and natural attributes

Danny Rueda, director of the Galapagos National Park, participates in the ceremony to declare Floreana Island as the first “Pueblo Mágico de #Galápagos,” or Magical Place or Village of Galapagos, a distinction granted by the Ministry of Tourism to populations that have very unique cultural and natural attributes.

#Galápagos @DannyRuedaC director del #PNG, participa de la ceremonia de declaratoria de la isla #Floreana como primer Pueblo Mágico de #Galápagos, distinción otorgada por el Ministerio de Turismo a poblaciones que cuentan con atributos culturales y naturales muy singulares.

Informing and sharing news on marine life, flora, fauna and conservation in the Galápagos Islands since 2017
© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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