The plane arrived in Ecuador for the first time on September 5, 2018 and is part of the United States’ security cooperation.
May 5, 2021 – 2:10 p.m.

Photo: Alfredo Cárdenas
For the first time, the US P-3 Orion plane arrived in Galapagos to carry out air-maritime exploration operations to collect information on illicit activities related to drug trafficking and illegal fishing.
Today, Wednesday, May 5, 2021, the United States’ P-3 Orion aircraft, equipped with advanced technology, landed on San Cristóbal Island in the Galapagos. On previous occasions when it had operated previously, it had been from continental Ecuador, departing from Guayaquil.
The information generated from the Orion P-3 has no value for the American government, it does has value in the hands of the Ecuadorian government, said Michael Fitzpatrick, US Ambassador to Ecuador.
On September 5, 2018 (2 years, 8 months ago) the US Customs and Border Protection P-3 Orion aircraft from the United States arrived in Ecuador for the first time, but today it arrived in the Galapagos.
Today, during the visit of the Orion P-3, were Oswaldo Jarrín, Minister of Defense and Michael Fitzpatrick, US Ambassador to the Ecuador.
Orion P-3 operations, both on the mainland and in the Galapagos Islands, will be subject to Ecuador’s planning, the minister said.
During the first visit to the country, the P-3 Orion detected and gave information that led to the capture of about three tons of cocaine.
This plane is equipped with advanced technology that Ecuador does not have in order to track illegal activities.
The presence of the Orion in Ecuador caused the former Ecuadorian ambassador to the United States, Francisco Carrión Mena, to denounce a lack of protocols which could threaten the sovereignty of Ecuador.
However, this was ruled out by the current Defense Minister, Oswaldo Jarrín, who insisted that the operations are carried out with the presence of Ecuadorian officials and the information is processed in Ecuadorian institutions. (I)
Read the original coverage from El Universo at
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