Ecuador signed memorandum of understanding to promote sustainable fishing

Ecuador signed memorandum of understanding to promote sustainable fishing

Friday, January 29, 2021 – 18:06

The industrial and artisanal fishing sectors of Ecuador together with WWF-Ecuador signed a memorandum of understanding that seeks to cooperate in the implementation of inclusive projects aimed at reducing pollution in the Galapagos Marine Reserve (RMG) , as well as strengthening the capacities of the fishing cooperatives in the extraction, processing and commercialization of fishery products, respecting technical and scientific sustainability standards. 

The agreement was carried out virtually with the representatives of the National Fisheries Chamber (CNP); the Ecuadorian Tuna Boat Association (Atunec); the Federation of Artisanal Fishing Cooperatives of Ecuador (Fenacopec); Tuna Conservation Group (Tunacons); the presidents of the Galápagos Fishing Cooperatives ; and the WWF in Ecuador . 

In it, its signatories agree to work for the next three years on a conservation project that reduces pollution in the Galapagos Marine Reserve , caused by garbage that comes from activities in the coastal and marine areas, including the collection of the aggregating or “plantado” devices entering the area.

Likewise, it includes technical and scientific assistance to improve the management and conservation of the Galapagos fisheries and will support local cooperatives so that they can achieve sustainability standards, with good conservation, handling and traceability practices , which serve as a basis to promote the marketing of sustainable fish products.

Bruno Leone, president of the CNP, pointed out that the agreement will be beneficial for the sector. “Today we mark the beginning of a very interesting stage in the face of world demand, where resources have to be managed in a sustainable way. Ecuador is a small great fishing country and has as such to adopt that position of leadership and set the standard towards that objective, which is sustainable fishing, ”he said.

The memorandum – specified the director of WWF-Ecuador, Tarsicio Granizo – shows that, with the joint work between different sectors, it is possible to achieve the sustainability of resources for future generations. 

Read the coverage from Vistazo at

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