Long-line fishing in the Galapagos Archipelago
September 30, 2020
By Beth Byrne

Despite being banned in Galapagos since 2008, a discussion has resumed on the use of long-line fishing in the Archipelago. This is due to the economic difficulties the local economy has faced since the COVID-19 pandemic.
The consideration has raised concern due to the environmental impact that long-line fishing has on marine ecosystems and endangered species. The request has been denied in the past by the Junta Ciudadana Provincial de Galápagos – a provincial citizens board. However, it is now being welcomed.
Furthermore this turnaround in opinion comes at a challenging time. A fleet of around 260 industrial fishing boats has been stationed on the edge of the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR), putting extra pressure on the precious marine resources of the Islands
What is long-line fishing?
Long-line fishing is a technique used to catch fish in open water. It involves a main float line which is strung out across vast distances up to 100 km. Then secondary vertical lines are attached at regular intervals with baited hooks. A 100 km line can have roughly 3000 hooks. These long-lines are used near the surface to catch open-water fish like tuna, or near the seafloor to catch bottom-dwelling fish.
How is long-line fishing damaging?
The major concern is that modern long-line fishing equipment is very efficient and highly non-selective. The catching of a non-target species is called ‘by-catch’. By-catch often consists of vulnerable or endangered species which are attracted to the bait and can get caught on the lines as they swallow the hook or become tangled, suffering significantly. Sharks, which need to keep swimming to allow oxygen to pass over their gills, can suffocate on the lines. Other animals, such as sea turtles and birds, can end up drowning. Long-lines are often left for up to 24 hours and can take at least a day to be hauled in.
Roughly, 300,000 sea birds are estimated to die on long-lines globally each year. Albatrosses are especially at risk; it is believed that four albatrosses drown per 100,000 lines set, which is about 400 birds a week. Currently, 19 of the world’s 22 albatross species are threatened with extinction, including the waved albatross which is found across the Galapagos Archipelago.
How does this affect Galapagos?
On average, long-lines consist of about 35% of non-target species, but it is thought that by-catch can represent up to 90% of the catches in ecosystems like Galapagos.
A recent study analysed data from a 2012-2013 long-line fishing project in Galapagos. A total of 4,895 animals from 33 species were captured from 12 vessels. Of those, 16 species were protected megafauna including; Galapagos sharks, blacktip sharks, oceanic manta rays, scalloped hammerhead sharks, thresher sharks, silky sharks, Galapagos green sea turtles, Galapagos sea lions and Galapagos fur seals.
The biggest threat of long-line fishing in Galapagos is to sharks, which are already being targeted for their fins. In 2017, a Chinese fishing vessel Fu Yuan Leng 999 was intercepted in the GMR by Galapagos National Park (GNP) rangers and members of the Ecuadorian Navy. The boat had more than 6,000 dead sharks on board. In addition, in May this year, 26 tonnes of shark fins were seized by Hong Kong customs officials inside two shipping containers from Ecuador worth US$ 1.1 million. It is thought that 80% of the sharks caught in Ecuador come from the Galapagos Marine Reserve.
The GNP estimates that if long-line fishing is reinstated in the GMR, over 10,000 sharks will be caught annually.
What is currently happening in Galapagos?
The Ecuadorian government has been monitoring an international industrial fishing fleet, which has been stationed just outside the Exclusive Economic Zone in a narrow band of international open water. These fishing vessels are not illegal as they sit just outside the protected waters of the GMR. Find out more.
A massive fleet of around 260 fishing vessels outside the Galapagos Marine Reserve in July 2020. © Marine Traffic
Back in June, the Ministry of Production and Fisheries in Ecuador announced a multi-pronged approach to protect sharks, a result which GCT’s project partner, Dr Alex Hearn, played an integral role in. They stated that “Ecuador condemns any act related to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, especially when these acts are linked to such a sensitive and important species in marine ecosystems as the shark” and that the sale and export of five new shark species will be prohibited.
What are we doing?
As part of our Endangered Sharks of Galapagos programme, we are:
- Building upon the research already undertaken to improve our understanding of whale shark migratory movements, as well as other open ocean, migratory species.
- Using this evidence to create the world’s first protected ‘swimway’ between Galapagos and Cocos Island National Park in Costa Rica.
- Enhancing protections for shark nursery grounds within the GMR.
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