EXPRESS – 06.30.2021

‘Breathe again’ is the official slogan of the Galapagos destination’s tourist reactivation campaign, promoted by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism.
With this, it intends to invite international tourists to visit the heavenly archipelago, at a time when it registers zero cases of Covid-19.
The health authorities of the Pacific archipelago have reported that, at the moment, a total of 22,390 inhabitants, over 18 years of age, have received the complete vaccination scheme and that adolescents between 16 and 17 years of age are beginning to be vaccinated.
The favorable health situation in the archipelago of the Galapagos Islands, which has more than 30 biosafety protocols endorsed by the Safe Travels seal of the World Travel and Tourism Council, WTTC, make the Enchanted Islands in which Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution, a paradise where foreign tourists can enjoy a completely bio-secure experience.
The entry protocol to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, issued by the National Emergency Operations Committee, COE, establishes that all travelers entering the country must meet the following requirements:
• Non-Immunized Travelers: Present the negative result of an RT-PCR test or antigen test, carried out maximum in the 72 hours prior to the trip’s arrival. This will not apply to children under two (2) years of age.
• Immunized Travelers: Present a vaccination card against Covid-19 or its equivalent, which has been issued at least 14 days before the flight.
In addition, those who travel to the Galapagos Islands must have the Transit Control Card, TCT , issued by the Governing Council of the Islands.
As of July 1, 2021, the safe conduct managed by a tour operator or by accommodation regulated by the Ministry of Tourism will be eliminated. In the case of Tour Leader, a natural person accompanying a group of visitors, must present a Safe Conduct for Tour Leader, established in article 12 of the Tourist Guidance Regulations for the Special Regime of the Galapagos.
Read the original coverage from Express.Info at
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