480,000 families will receive ‘Family Protection Bonus’ of $120: Who are the beneficiaries?

To receive said transfer, the beneficiaries must present their original identity card according to the schedule.

480,000 families will receive ‘Family Protection Bonus’ of $120: Who are the beneficiaries?

Friday, January 29, 2021 – 09:57

As part of the expansion of the Social Protection Network, the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) will deliver the Family Protection Bonus due to the presence of Covid-19 (Phase III), for the benefit of 480,000 families whose income decreased drastically during the coronavirus health emergency.

The bonus consists of a monetary transfer of USD 120, which will be made only once. The beneficiaries will be the family nuclei and people identified in the base of the Social Registry, who are in conditions of vulnerability and at risk of being in poverty or extreme poverty levels due to the impact on the normal development of their economic activities, as established in Executive Decree No. 1235, published on January 28, 2021.

The parameters to qualify for this benefit are: not being a beneficiary of other MIES bonuses and pensions, nor a beneficiary of other temporary aids such as the Nutritional Support Bonus, the Family Protection Bonus Phase 1, Phase 2, and coverage for families from the Galapagos Islands; not have a dependency relationship or be affiliated with the Rural Social Security, among others.

The bond is expected to be delivered in two phases: in the first, 236,208 families will benefit in February. The next phase will begin in March, for 240,000 more.

Once the beneficiaries are identified by the Social Registry bases and enabled in any of the two phases, they will have up to 60 days to collect the USD 120.

To receive said transfer, they must present their original identity card and, according to the schedule based upon the last digit of this document, through the public and private financial system at one of more than 10,000 authorized payment points and non-financial correspondents throughout the country.

To find out if a person is a beneficiary of this new installment of the Family Protection Bonus and check payment points, you can do so through the free line 1800 002 002 or go to http://www.inclusion.gob.ec.

From September 2020 to March 2021, a total of 450,000 new users join the bonds and pensions provided by the MIES.

Read the original coverage via Vistazo at: https://www.vistazo.com/seccion/actualidad-nacional/480000-familias-recibiran-bono-de-proteccion-familiar-de-120-quienes-son

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© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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