Chinese Fishing Fleet is Not Abiding by Moratorium Negotiations Previously Established with Ecuador


⚠️ Chinese Fishing Fleet has not abide to the Moratorium negotiations previously established with #Ecuador ⚠️

Chinese Ambassador to Ecuador entered negotiations and China agreed to Ecuador’s monitoring of the fleet and established a moratorium from September until November beginning in 2020.

The request for the moratorium to begin earlier in the year was denied by Chinese diplomats; however on September 1st when the Moratorium was supposed to take place.

The following images were taken on two dates, were you can see clearly fishing vessels still in the area.

First image was captured September 2nd, 2020 at 22:40 PM from @MarineTraffic and the second image taken at 00:17 AM on September 3rd, 2020 showcase the same scenario.

📸: @ianvargas96



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© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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