Developing News: Request for Clarification Regarding Recent Public Gatherings


Mayor for #SantaCruz Ángel Yanez @gadsantacruz and Mr. Norman Wray @gobiernogalapagos we would like to get a clarification on the following:

We would like to know if there is any evidence that public gather from the hunger stroke/ peaceful protest is the cause of increase cases of COVID in Santa Cruz?

If so, please give us oficial information and clarify why in the surfing event there were no biosecurity measures taking place.

There are two statements coming from each of the @gadsantacruz and Consejo de Gobierno which are contradicting each other.




Mayor Ángel Yanez & @normanwray, we seek clarification: Is there evidence that public gathering for the hunger stroke and peaceful protest is the cause of increase cases of COVID in Santa Cruz? Or is there any link to the recent surfing event?

We also seek information regarding the surfing event pictured, where bio-security protocols were not being enforced evenly. What measures will be taken in the future to enforce community responsibility at public events and prevent the spread of disease?

Más importante aún, ¿qué medidas se tomarán en el futuro para hacer cumplir la responsabilidad de la comunidad en eventos públicos sancionados oficialmente para garantizar que la enfermedad no continúe propagándose?

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© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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