[Developing News] Radical measures are being taken by the sectors of transportation, tourism and the community in general. Demonstrators urge a solution and answer from President @leninmorenog@mariapaularomo@gobiernogalapagos@wray_norman
Source: Protected
📍Santa Cruz, #Galapagos
Developing News: Radical measures are being taken by the sectors of transportation, tourism and the community in general. Demonstrators urge a solution and answer from President @Lenin@mariapaularomo@normanwray
Noticias en desarrollo: Gremios y ciudadanos se han reunido en Baltra Road. Los vehículos bloquean el tráfico en la vía que conecta el aeropuerto con el centro de Puerto Ayora. Los manifestantes afirman que su bloqueo es permanente hasta que el ministro resuelva #sosgalapagos
Developing: Professional sector and citizen groups have gathered on Baltra Road. Vehicles block traffic on the road that connects the airport to downtown Puerto Ayora. Demonstrators state that their blockade is permanent until the minister resolves #sosgalapagos
Developing: This blockade will prevent the transport of any individuals or shipments which arrive at Baltra Airport, as this is the only road that connects the canal crossing from the airport to downtown Puerto Ayora on Isla Santa Cruz
See related coverage here:
“Interview: Carlos Vera and Junta Ciudadana (Citizen’s Council) of Galapagos”
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