August 21, 2020 – 04h00
That they are bankrupt; that tourism, which was their main source of income, is still paralyzed; that there is a shortage and overpricing of food; that there are limitations in connectivity (internet, for example); and that provincial authorities allegedly fail to fulfill their functions are part of the arguments presented in a manifesto by unions, associations and the Provincial Citizen Board of Galapagos.
In the open manifesto addressed to President Lenín Moreno, they demand immediate attention and response to two points that they consider important “to save the producer apparatus” of the province of Galapagos.
The first is access to soft loans, where the situation the residents are going through is considered. And the second, a tax amnesty (forgiveness or termination), as at the time was considered for Manabí after the 2016 earthquake, is indicated.
And to this they add the request “for immediate dismissal” of the President of the Governing Council, Norman Wray, and of the Technical Secretary, Mónica Ramos. This is because, according to the signatories, the Humanitarian Support Law would not have been landed on the site; because they have not answered the letters sent.
Economic reactivation.
Among the measures they propose for the economic reactivation of Galapagos is the prohibition of entering expired portfolios, credit bureau and risk center for natural and legal persons domiciled in the province of Galapagos for 24 months.
Another is the refinancing of outstanding debts, without interest increases and with a twelve-month grace period in public, private and mixed financial entities.
They also ask for the automatic renewal of patents, permits and other operational licenses and that their payment be suspended for 24 months.
Another section is the forgiveness of debts of up to $ 10,000 of people with public and private financial entities. At the same time, they want the Galapagos Law to be respected and permanent residents to be hired in the workplace.
In the tax amnesty they ask that the payment of income tax, the collection of value added tax (VAT), fines, coercive charges and others be suspended for 24 months.
They also want flexible and long-term loans, beyond ten years, and with grace periods of twelve months for interest and 18 months to pay the principal, among others.
Read the article via El Universo at: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2020/08/20/nota/7949128/galapagos-junta-provincial-crisis-economica-covid-19-piden?device=mobile
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