Opinion: Thoughts on Extending the Continental Shelf

Opinion: What do you think of extending the continental shelf so that foreign vessels do not fish in areas of Ecuador?

August 16, 2020 – 00h00

In favor of the country extending its continental shelf from 200 miles to 350 miles, the participants of this forum speak out, demanding to stop the theft of fish and more species, the protection of the Galapagos and respect for maritime resources.

Manuela Mora

Yes, extend the continental shelf, let’s take care of the Galapagos Islands.What do we expect to make ourselves respected!

Jose Sarabia

I understand that the maritime spaces must be the same as the surface limitations that have their strictly defined spaces; Of course, it seems that at sea it would be more difficult to establish delimitation milestones, but GPS technology helps to visualize which spaces correspond to each country.

It is also true that to establish these delimitations in the sea there are international treaties that establish the spaces, in such a way that I do not see valid the question of whether we agree that we should expand these aquatic spaces, due to the aforementioned.

Federico Guerra

The opportunity provided by this forum with good questionnaires is interesting and necessary; This time we meditate to demand that our authorities act very energetically with harsh sanctions against all the pirates and criminals who invade Ecuador. Let’s see, what would China, the countries of Europe, etc., do to an Ecuadorian ship, not committing illegal fishing but by mistake if it passes a meter and enters the seas of those countries; They capture him, if not they bombard him, they will not support him, give him away or sell him fuel, water, food, etc.

We cannot lower our heads to the criminal invaders, treat them as ‘little friends’, we have to make ourselves respected very strongly. We are in full agreement to extend our continental shelf. We have limits, if we can extend them in the Galapagos area, because we have space to continue setting milestones, then we agree that the extension should proceed without delay.

Jose Ortoneda

It seems to me a wise move, since Chinese ships have been taking the wealth of our ocean, every time and when, for many years.
We are being betrayed by certain sectors that help and provide fuel to these foreign fleets. One solution must be the extension of our zone to 350 miles so that the existing international fishing corridor is reduced. Our heritage, which is not only ours, but of all humanity, and our resources are being affected by apparently legal fishing that destroys our biodiversity. We have rights, the country must present claims to international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the Convention for the Law of the Seas (Unclos) and protect our heritage and resources in conjunction with other neighboring countries; ‘Union make force’.

Read the entire piece at : https://www.eluniverso.com/opinion/2020/08/16/nota/7942300/que-opina-extender-plataforma-continental-que-barcos-extranjeros-no?device=mobile

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