Jarrín: Navy Cannot Inspect Ships

Defense Minister says the Navy cannot inspect ships

August 15, 2020 00:00

Activists gathered yesterday outside the Chinese Embassy in Quito in rejection of the Ships . Photo: Galo Paguay / EL COMERCIO

Defense Minister Oswaldo Jarrín and Norman Wray, president of the Galápagos Government Council, appeared on Friday, August 14, 2020 before the Assembly’s Sovereignty Commission. Meanwhile in Quito and Guayaquil, activists staged sit-ins due to the presence of foreign ships close to the islands.

Both Jarrín and Wray insisted that so far none of the more than 300 fishing vessels have entered the exclusive economic zone of Ecuador or the marine reserve.

The Minister explained that “what these vessels are doing in international waters cannot be verified” solely by Ecuador.

“Some organization said that the Naval Force is going to inspect the 300 ships, that is not feasible, physically it is not feasible. And additionally, we have no jurisdiction – no capacity or jurisdiction. That is in the hands of international organizations, coastal countries and others that join, for example, the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific,” Jarrín pointed out.

Wray mentioned that the mechanisms for monitoring these vessels are not ready yet, according to the first results of the diplomatic negotiations between Ecuador and China.

Jarrín highlighted the Asian giant’s commitment to apply a ban on its vessels between September and November.

The Minister also demanded respect for the sovereignty and laws of the country from Sea Shepherd, by rejecting the offer of this organization to send a ship to monitor the Galapagos. “They can participate, but they cannot infiltrate the institutions to gain power and subject,” he said.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the Chinese Embassy in Quito and outside the Guayaquil zonal government, activists demanded to stop the fishing vessels near the Galapagos, which they accused of predatory practices and pollution. María Gracia González, from the Pacífico Libre collective, said that these vessels engage in illegal fishing for protected species, such as dolphins and sharks. “We feel that the government has not done enough,” she said.

This content has been originally published by Diario EL COMERCIO at the following address: https: //www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/jarrin-armada-inspeccion-buques-galapagos.html.

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