The United States gives its support to Ecuador’s economic and environmental sovereignty due to the presence of the Chinese fleet

July 29, 2020 – 4:08 p.m.

Fleet of 260 Chinese ships sighted in June 2018, 200 miles from the Galapagos Exclusive Economic Zone.

With a tweet in support of Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno, the United States National Security Council on Tuesday expressed the US position on any aggression directed at its economic and environmental sovereignty.
The United States thus refers to the alert generated in Ecuador regarding the presence of a Chinese fleet located off the mainland of the Galapagos Islands which each year carries out fishing activities in international waters, but in the area close to the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ ) of Ecuador and the Insular EEZ.

The Security Council tweet also supports a previous message from the United States Southern Command that indicates that Ecuador has sounded the alarm about a huge fishing fleet of mostly Chinese-flagged vessels near the protection zone of the Galapagos Islands.

Ecuador has already started several efforts to defend the ichthyological wealth of the surrounding area of ​​its territory, among them, it has created a commission that will watch over ecological interests and that will seek contacts with countries in the area such as Chile, Peru, Colombia and Panama to achieve a regional claim. At the same time, they are working on a position to expand the territorial area that covers 350 miles and that allows the continental shelf of Ecuador to be expanded.

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