Galápagos Marine Iguanas mating has made an impression 💬😮Breeding season begins from December, as the weather is optimal and the environment is ideal for laying eggs. Humidity and temperature are crucial factors in the success of their eggs, though they begin their mating season during this relatively odd time of the year because water temperatures rise, meaning that the presence of nutritious algae in the ocean – one of the marine iguanas largest sources of food – drops substantially. In a nutshell, this means that marina iguana breeding season begins right when food supplies are at their all-time lowest. But this is, in fact, part of their instinctual strategy, so to speak.Marine iguanas, however, are pretty much prepared for this harsh period. The fact is that they stocked up tons back when Galapagos waters were pretty much overflowing with algae during the dry season (Jun-Nov) Happy New Year of Breading! 🦎 #Galapagos#MarineIguana
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