03 Jun 2021, 16:09
This Thursday, June 3, President Guillermo Lasso officially introduced all the provincial governors.
In a ceremony at the Carondelet Palace, Lasso together with the Minister of Government, César Monge , and the Deputy Minister of Governance, Homero Castanier , showed who will represent the head of state in 23 provinces of the country.
It should be noted that Pichincha, because it is the seat of the Executive authority, does not have a governor and Galapagos, because it is under a special regime, has the figure of president of the Governing Council of the archipelago, a position that Johan Sotomayor will occupy.
The objective of the group of governors will be to articulate the work with local governments (prefectures, municipalities and parish councils), as well as with public institutions, to “meet the needs of citizens in each of the provinces,” said the leader.
Until May 27, Lasso had only appointed the governors of Guayas, Azuay, Cañar, Manabí, Loja and Tungurahua; however, by means of Executive Decree number 58, the election of the other 16 officials was concluded.
The list of 23 governors:
- Cotopaxi: Oswaldo Marcelo Coronel Páez
- Imbabura: Abdón Marcelo Simbaña Villareal
- El Oro: Francisco Javier Vera Domínguez
- Napo: Jofre Wilfrido Villagómez Cepeda
- Morona Santiago: Freddy Vicente Villamagua Morales
- Orellana: Yoni Esperanza Bustamante Briceño
- Pastaza: Polo Andrés Lascano Díaz
- Sucumbíos: Darío Javier Domínguez Encalada
- Santa Elena: Fulton Edulfo Anchundi Pacheco
- Zamora Chinchipe: Emilio Absalón Campoverde Robles
- Esmeraldas: Tania Hydale Obando Bone
- Los Ríos: Génesis Stefanía Blum Baquedano
- Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas: Miguel Medardo Orellana Coronel
- Bolívar: Régulo Vicente Verdesoto Bosquez
- Carchi: Yaco Marlon Martínez Pérez
- Chimborazo: María José Pontón Mancero
- Tungurahua: Fernando Rodrigo Gavilanes Silva
- Loja: Mario Mancino Valdivieso
- Manabí: Juan Francisco Núñez Herrera
- Guayas: José Vicente Taiano Álvarez
- Azuay: Esteban Remigio Bernal Bernal
- Cañar: Carlos Wilfrido Rivera Reinoso
- Galapagos: Johan Sotomayor
-Updated with the name of the President of the Government Council of Galapagos-
Read the original coverage from Ecuavisa at https://www.ecuavisa.com/noticias/politica/lasso-presento-oficialmente-a-todos-los-gobernadores-provinciales-JC352218
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