Retail Without Borders: Virtual platforms bring together entrepreneurs, small, medium and large companies

2 April 2021
CE NoticiasFinancieras
Copyright © Content Engine LLC

The COVID-19 pandemic created a limitation in mobility and consequently forced the search for alternatives for the purchase of products easily.

And these options are the virtual platforms, some newly created and others that were boosted along the way. There are also those that are already designed so that Ecuadorians can offer their products abroad.

These virtual spaces not only bring together hundreds of entrepreneurs, but small, medium and large companies.

As Market Place Ecuador, created since last June and which today has 450 virtual stores.

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This e-commerce platform allows companies, startups, entrepreneurs, merchants and content creators to sell their products or services, says Thomas Endara, president of Market Place Ecuador.

Endara mentions that the platform was created in order for citizens to have access to mass consumer products.

Entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs can sign up for free, create their digital store, upload their products and sell through any means of payment such as credit, debit, cash and PayPal cards for international sales, Endara explains.

Market Place Ecuador currently records more than 300,000 visits per month and exhibits 3,000 products on the platform.

These products are sold nationally, but in the next phase of the project they will have sales to more than 15 countries, allowing entrepreneurs and SMEs to take their product to another level.

And so does TIENDAMIA for the last quarter of 2021, according to Juan Carlos Loza, general manager in Ecuador.

How to create a virtual store in Ecuador?

“We’re working on that so that by the end of this year we can have Ecuadorian vendors to offer inside the country and see the possibility of them selling abroad,” he says.

TIENDAMIA is also an e-commerce but cross-border platform, which has been in other countries such as Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Uruguay for several years. And in July it was created in Ecuador.

They offer the same products as at AmazoneBay and Walmart, through a strategic alliance, with the difference of the deletion of certain items.

It does not require postal locker, does not need prelerta, does not generate extra costs for shipping, can defer payment by credit card from the platform without calling the bank and uses PayPal, explains Loza.

These same mechanisms are expected to work with entrepreneurs so that they can export and make themselves known in other countries.

“The Ecuadorian market has very high growth potential,” says Loza, adding that the province that makes the most purchases abroad is the Galapagos and focuses on technology and sporting goods.

Meanwhile, from decentralized autonomous governments (GADs) platforms are also born that bring together traders.

As chordeleg Municipality did on March 16 when it launched the Chordeshop virtual store to support economic revival, says Ruth Caldas, Chordeleg’s Director of Social, Economic and Productive Development.

“The estimated time for this project is twelve months and the ultimate goal of the Municipal GAD is that once this period is over, artisans and traders autonomously can continue with the application,” says Caldas.

Currently they have 35 participants with products such as jewelry, pottery, ceramics, straw fabric and footwear.

The municipality of the canton of Azuayo invested about $12,000 for the first year of the mobile application, which included the construction of this, maintenance, upgrade, collection center, photographic survey and everything related to the management of the application.

Caldas indicates that the call remains open for more merchants and craftsmen to meet the platform.

With this alternative, they also hope to enhance the tourism that has been hit by the pandemic. (I)

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