EFE – 03/26/2021, 03:16 PM
Quito, Mar 26 (EFE) .- The Ministry of Environment and Water of Ecuador signed an agreement with the Planeta Vida Veterinary Hospital in the city of Latacunga, in the Andean province of Cotopaxi, to strengthen the care of wild species, reported this Friday the State Portfolio.
The agreement aims to strengthen the work focused on specialized medical care and respect for wildlife in the national territory.
The head of the Ministry of Environment and Water, Marcelo Mata, said that the alliance ‘will allow the safeguarding of the country’s wildlife, with the great help of specialists who comply with the relevant protocols to sustain the lives of animals that have been victims of illegal trafficking or have been violated in their physical and natural condition ‘.
For his part, the Planeta Vida Hospital specialist, Diego Medina, expressed his commitment to “recover and save the lives of the country’s wildlife, it is an honor to have this responsibility.”
The veterinary center provides specialized medical care for pets, wildlife and companion animals and includes services such as general and specialty surgery, clinical laboratory, imaging, trauma, dentistry, dermatology and ophthalmology.
For four years, the State has been working with the hospital in the management of the rescue and prevention of wildlife, in addition to providing veterinary assistance, until the absolute recovery of wild species.
This agreement for the treatment and care of wild species found or seized in the province of Cotopaxi and neighboring provinces, has a duration of five years.
The previous head of the Environment Paulo Proaño explained at the beginning of the month that wildlife trafficking is a crime that has affected more than 6,000 animal species between 2014 and 2020.
The areas where the highest incidence of species trafficking has been detected in Ecuador correspond to the Amazonian provinces of Orellana, Napo and Pastaza and the Andean provinces of Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Azuay and Tungurahua; the coastal areas of Manabí and Guayas; as well as in some areas of the Galapagos Islands. EFE
Read the original coverage from Diario Libre at https://www.diariolibre.com/actualidad/internacional/ecuador-firma-un-convenio-para-fortalecer-el-cuidado-de-especies-silvestres-MA25252952
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