LATAM transported the first vaccines against Covid-19 to Galapagos

February 09, 2021 at 11:38 am
By: amartinez
Source: Metro World News

With a very demanding and delicate security protocol, LATAM Airlines Ecuador transported on two flights, from Quito and Guayaquil, to Baltra / Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal respectively this February 1 and 2; [this was] the first delivery of vaccines against COVID-19 destined for the Galapagos Islands 

This transfer occurs after the airline made free mobilization of vaccines available on all domestic routes that LATAM Airlines Ecuador serves in the country, within the framework of the Program Solidarity Plan for the National Government and the corresponding authorities last December.

Once again, the entire technical team of LATAM Airlines Ecuador launched their commitment and capacity to carry out the transfer of vaccines and the members of the team from the Ministry of Health that transported them, within the so-called, by IATA, ” mission of the century ”.

“Determined not to let ourselves be defeated by the pandemic, we continue to add actions to contribute to the transport of vaccines and, even more, to those places that are difficult to access. The effort we make as LATAM not to lower our wings is based on our commitment to Ecuador and we remain firm in offering to the Government that we are ready to bring vaccines to and from wherever they ask us; we put all our experience to contribute with actions that allow speeding up the vaccination process. In LATAM we transport dreams, and ours is to continue flying together with the desire of all Ecuadorians to live better days,” commented Daniel Leng, Executive Director of LATAM Airlines Ecuador.

Solidarity Plane

The free transport of vaccines to contain COVID-19 is part of the actions of the LATAM Airlines “Solidarity Plane” Program, which has acted as an air connection between South America and the world during the pandemic in order to aid countries where the airline operates during the pandemic. Since March 23, the program has transported more than 900 health professionals and more than 400 people with urgent health care needs free of charge. In addition, it has moved more than 700 organs and tissues within South America.

Read the coverage from Metro World News at

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