Luis Gallegos: “Many of the problems that affect the islands and their marine resources are illegal fishing, pollution”
November 10, 2020 – 11:10
Ecuador ratifies its commitment to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, said Foreign Minister Luis Gallegos. The 49th Meeting of the General Assembly of the Charles Darwin Foundation took place on Monday, November 9, virtually, under the theme “Celebration of the Galapagos Marine Reserve: Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development.”
In this context, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Luis Gallegos, reiterated the priority that Ecuador has for the conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands.
During the meeting, the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister explained that the conservation of the islands is carried out “through an environmentally balanced development model, which allows meeting the needs of current and future generations, while ensuring comprehensive respect for the ecosystems of the archipelago, its resources and life cycles ”.
In that sense, he stressed that said sustainable management recognizes the right of its population to live in a healthy and ecologically balanced environment, as well as the country’s commitment to the implementation of international and regional agreements, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
“This has proven to have great benefits to achieve sustainable development, not only from the point of view of conservation, but also from the economic and social, especially due to the capacity to generate employment in commerce, tourism, research, recovery and an increase in fishing resources, among others, ”said Gallegos.
He also recalled that “many of the problems and threats that affect the islands and their marine resources originate beyond the jurisdiction of Ecuador and are related to illegal fishing, overfishing, plastic pollution, climate change, among others. ”. Hence the importance of having the best scientific information and technical assistance, as a basis for making decisions aimed at protecting this natural heritage.
The Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) is an international organization, whose mission is to provide knowledge and support for the conservation and sustainable development of the Galapagos Islands through scientific research. Through the Cooperation Agreement signed between the Government of Ecuador and the CDF in 1959, that institution has worked for more than six decades as a scientific advisor to the Ecuadorian State for the conservation of the archipelago. (I)
This news was originally published by Diario EL TELÉGRAFO under the following address:
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