Explained: What is transshipment?

📚 WHAT IS TRANSSHIPMENT? Swipe below ⏩ to learn more

➡️ Transshipment allows vessels to stay at sea for longer periods of time without have to dock at a port.

➡️ Landing fishing catch at port usually requires specific paperwork and greater oversight, but transshipment allows vessels to offload their catch with less scrutiny and allows an opening for IUU fishing practices.

➡️ Without transshipment, vessels would have to return to ports more often and they would not be able to travel as long or as far at sea.

➡️ The use of reefers and transshipment – paired with fuel subsidies – allows long-distance, high seas fishing to remain profitable. It also allows vessels to travel to more remote locations for longer periods of time without observation.

➡️ Transshipment activities have become intensely debated as being associated with higher risks of fish originating from illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing entering the seafood supply chain and the facilitation of criminal activities in the fisheries sector.

Sources: @oceana @fao @globalfishingwatch

WATCH: What is Transshipment?

📚 What is transshipment and how does it relate to #IUUfishing ?

Watch this 2020 report from @aljazeeraenglish and @greenpeace to learn more about transshipment and see how this practice allows fish caught through illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing to enter the supply chain.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 fish brought to market is illegally caught. The lack of regulation and oversight around transshipment on the high seas means that the fish on your plate may not really come from where you think it did.

📣 What did YOU learn from today’s lesson?

Source: AlJazeera and Greenpeace

Want to dive deeper? Check out these resources:

Informing and sharing news on marine life, flora, fauna and conservation in the Galápagos Islands since 2017
© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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