Cancer patients fulfilled their dream of flying to Galapagos

Cancer patients fulfilled their dream of flying to Galapagos

October 16, 2020 3:48 PM

A group of children from the project Hospital Onco Pediátrico del Ecuador (HOPE) traveled to Galapagos as part of the Avión Solidario program, promoted by the Latam airline. Photos: Courtesy of Latam

A group of children belonging to the Hospital Onco Pediátrico del Ecuador (HOPE) project traveled to Galapagos as part of the Avión Solidario program, promoted by the Latam airline. Their relatives, a medical and work team from Solca also traveled.

The intention is that these minors fulfill their dream of visiting the islands and flying for the first time. They are patients in treatment and were winners of an internal contest for artistic talents such as singing, dancing, choreography, crafts and storytelling.

The competition was an activity, held every year in Solca, with the aim of encouraging and discovering the skills and abilities of children and bringing them joy while they are in their treatment process.

The group was made up of 15 people, who complied with all the safety and prevention protocols required by the national and Galapagos authorities, reported the Latam airline.

Photos: Courtesy of Latam For the Avión Solidario program, Latam has its structure, connectivity and transport capacity (passengers and cargo) at the service of health in Latin America. In Ecuador, this company maintains a commitment with Solca Guayaquil for the construction of HOPE, which is the first Oncopediatric Hospital in Ecuador.

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© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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