Art Without Limits: A social contribution from culture

A social contribution from culture

With paintings, sculptures, songs and poems, the Arte sin Límites Ecuador Foundation promotes the protection of the Galapagos

Updated 09/29/2020 21:30

Rosa Armijos and Lorena Parrales with some of the works of the campaign. COURTESY

For the Arte sin Límites Ecuador Foundation , which was formed last December, the time had come to show that culture can also create awareness and engage in social activism. He started a campaign in August, the first, to raise their voices of protest through drawings, photographs, sculptures, poems, songs and short videos.

What was happening in Galapagos in those days (the incursion of Chinese ships near the islands) had them worried. They then launched a call on networks for artists, beginners or experienced, to show their feelings. There were colors, shapes, rhymes and sounds that were spread through social networks.

Lorena Parrales, coordinator of the foundation, says that it was a very well received campaign. During a month the works that arrived were uploaded, as a form of protest. And although these days there was talk that the fleet of ships undertook the withdrawal, she says that one should not be neglected by “the repeated violations of the natural reserve of the Galapagos Islands.”

Kyara Jurado Zambrano was part of the group that wanted to express themselves using the watercolor technique. ‘Mutilation’ allowed her to express her annoyance. “For years they have wiped out our species, cut off their lives to obtain collagen or make their exotic soups. Through this work I wanted to reflect the pain, the agony, the blood in the sea in an exaggerated way, the torture of our species ”, he says. She asks in her painting that situations like that not be repeated.

Wendy Mero also protested. She chose the graphite technique to represent ‘He dies of pain’ and Karen Quinde, with colored pencils, captured ‘The cry of the Galapagos’.

Karen Quinde participated in the virtual day in defense of the islands. COURTESY

There were those who chose clay modeling, such as the artist Sicilia Loffredo Faggioni. She titled her work ‘Yubarta: Rescuing my baby’.

Rosa Armijos, president of the foundation, used acrylic to shape ‘En el mar’. She wanted to highlight the beauty of the islands to motivate her care. So did Manuel Pumares, with ‘Acuario’, in oil on canvas.

The campaign was gaining followers day by day , such as Ricardo Cagua, who presented ‘Oniric Cold’ (triptych).

All types of art came together. Giulian Morales Béjar and his daughter Andrea launched the song ‘Don shark’.

“First I thought of a classic guitar work, then a theme, and I found the answer in my daughters when they reminded me of a song they learned when they were little and that belongs to a musical album that promoted some cookies of the animals that inhabit our Galapagos Islands ”, he says. Thus he joined his voice in rejection of indiscriminate shark fishing and the repeated violations of the Galapagos natural reserve.

Kyara Jurado created ‘Mutilation’, in watercolor. Ask that there be no more violations of the nature reserve. COURTESY

Poetry also had its place with ‘I’m sorry’, by Jenny Toala and ‘El azul’, by Franco. It is a protest that is still active in networks “so as not to forget,” they say.

The foundation aims to get more involved in social transformation. A few days ago she participated in a fair in Engabao, to give her contribution in the rescue of ancestral traditions.

Read the article by Cynthia Flores Rodriguez for Expreso EC at

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© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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