Legislative Action #NoMorePlasticInEcuador – 15 Jun 2018

A todos mis amigos de Quito, que residen, viajan y trabajan esto es para ustedes los agentes de cambio. En lo que va del año 2018 hemos recolectado 3.817,92 kg de desechos. El 80% de lo recogido son sorbetes, vasos plásticos, tarrinas y plásticos desechables en general. El Asambleísta Yunda va a presentar un proyecto de ley para regular las fundas plásticas y sorbetes en el país. Al enterarnos de esto, hemos pedido que nos den un espacio para dar nuestra propia propuesta junto a la iniciativa @verde.circulo, representando a la sociedad civil. ¡Si estás en Quito únete y acompañanos ese día! Como grupo no apoyamos a un partido político en concreto, nos hacemos presentes ante un momento histórico. 📍✅Confirma tu asistencia (link en Bio) https://goo.gl/Fc1Sam

Necesitamos su apoyo, el ecosistema necesita tu apoyo y en 20 años sino hacemos algo nos vamos a arrepentir. •

To all my friends in Quito, those who live there are traveling by and work in the city — this is for you agents of change!
This year alone 2018 we had collected 3.817,92 kg of debris from the coastlines of Ecuador. Where 80% has been straws, plastic glasses and disposable containers for food as well as disposable plastic wear. The politician Jorge Yunda will be presenting a new law to regulate plastic bags and straws in the country. After learning about the initiative we asked him to give us a space to give our own proposal of law in conjunction with @verde.circulo, represented by the civil society. If you are in Quito, join in and come with us this day! As a group we do not support a political party, but we are facing a historic moment in the Ecuador’s Law History. 📍✅Confirma tu asistencia (link en Bio) https://goo.gl/Fc1Sam

We need your support! The environment needs it and in 20 years you would regret not doing it.


Informing and sharing news on marine life, flora, fauna and conservation in the Galápagos Islands since 2017
© SOS Galápagos, 2021

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